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These projects are ones that I have done for the joy of creativity, no clients, no hard deadlines just an idea. creativity for the sake of creativity

Me Myselves and I (2023)

This was Lees final project in their studies. displayed as part of the exhibition cusp in 2023 this project was focused on how people show multiple different selves throughout life

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Home sweet home (2022)

This is lee's part of a collaborative project about interiors and the home. Lee focuses on the often forgotten areas. the cupboards and cabinets that are home to our posessions.

exposure unit -12 the biggest storage space in the whole house, the attic.jpg

Rooms of the house (2021)

This project was made in collabararion with Mr.Rabbit and Jim Bonner. this moving image project was a visual way to display the artists unique yet connected struggles with identity and self image

the house-8.jpg

Home Sour Home (2021)

This project was a phototherapy project. unmasking and working through the trauma of their childhood caused by the separation of their parents and living with their abusive father


Transport For Lockdown (2021)

Lee explores the effect of lockdown on London's Key Workers. they shadow a transport worker capturing the details that draw their eye

Adrian Zine Jpegs -002.jpg

Set Squares (2018)

This photo is where my photo journey began. featuring some unique geometric adjustments to make the subject stand out

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